Love for Kite Flying

The Sky line of Delhi on 15 August each year takes festive look with the millions of kites dotting the horizon . The young , old, men ,women all join this fun and cheer each other .This day is also a big holiday in the country being its independence day. Kite flying is just not limited to India alone. In my travels to some of the distant lands I have found keen interest among the people in this fascinating sport . The Kites in China were distinct and so were the ones in Trinidad, Argentina, Chile and of course in the U.S.

This sport some how to me is very engaging and provides a sense of fulfillment. I was initiated into kite flying as a kid by my elder siblings and it was such a magical feeling preparing for the big day when the citizens of Chennai would all climb up to to their roof tops on the festive occasion of Deepawali ( Festival of Lights) to engage in this fascinating event. The art of preparing the " Manja" ( String specially treated to have a cutting edge) was something memorable. Each house hold had its won secret formula and would not reveal it . Now this art of treating the string at home is locally is dying and people tend to buy the strings from the market readymade. In India too kite flying is legendary . Most part of the country takes up this sport on the eve of "Makar sankranthi " ( 14 Jan). The Kite Festival of Ahmedabad in Gujarat is now a major event in the festival calendar of the tourism Department of state which attracts enthusiasts from world over. I have not really done any major research to look into the history of Kite flying on where and when this all originated. may be some one reading this piece may like to highlight .
What is fascinating that this sport has survived the time and continues to fascinate all. I have seen that there are several local sports that are gradually dying in India. The children in most urban households i India are so engaged with the PSP's , "game boys" , Computer games that its is hard to see them take on outdoor sports. Well that’s a larger subject that needs to be debated.
Coming back to Kite flying , my sincere wish is that this sport continue to be alive for ages to come and keep all those flying them feel good.


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