
Showing posts from June, 2008

Discovering Ganesh

Discovering Ganesh Discovering Ganesh includes a multimedia exhibition, a photography book, and an educational website. Each element of Discovering Ganesh offers a different way to learn about one of India’s most intriguing deities. Revered for millennia as the Remover of Obstacles, the Lord of Beginnings and the Patron of the Arts, Ganesh is one of India’s most beloved Hindu Gods and a ubiquitous presence in Indian art, philosophy and ritual. Last month, two venues – the Rotunda Gallery in Brooklyn Heights and the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena, CA – booked the multimedia exhibition for 2009. Please visit for more information and to see images from the project. Scojo Event : http://www.discoveringganesh .com/scojofundraiser Official site and gallery of images for Discovering Ganesh :

Its Biriyani All the way in Chennai

Growing Up in Chennai has been an unique Experience. The City is modern and yet traditional. Well You are in arterial road of the City -Anna salai you feel as if you are in any of the growing metropolis and will be witness to the hassle and bushel of any modern city. In few minutes when you get into Mylapore you are transformed into a time still bound in traditions. There is so much of Energy in city say wherever you are. Having been away from the city for over 7 years recent visit to chennai has been a trip of many a discoveries. I have always known the city to boast of its innumerable vegetarian eating Joints ( The Udipi Hotels) as I knew them since 70's and 80's and it was a surprise to see the city streets and roads dotted with so many Biriyani Joints. This to me seemed as a silent revolution and that has caught up with the taste buds of the Citizens of Chennai. Please remember I am not the one who hates Biriyani. What was astonishing that the innumerable brands of Biriy...